Working Group for Religion, Medicine, Disability, Health, and Healing in Late Antiquity
For ReMeDHe Scholars
This page offers a range of approaches used by ReMeDHe scholars, information about research centers and project funding, as well as presentation and publication venues that may be of interest.
Sources & Approaches for ReMeDHe Scholars
This table lays out the various sources and approaches represented by the research done by scholars in our group. It also outlines questions and themes for further research.
Research Centers, Hubs, Networks, and Digital Resources
For a comprehensive spreadsheet of many research centers, hubs, networks, and digital resources related to the work of ReMeDHe members, please use this link. If you have any suggestions for additional information, please do not hesitate to be in touch with ReMeDHe co-directors or board members.
Sources of Potential Funding
Sites to Check Frequently
The research we support can be conceptual or applied, normative or empirical. It can be grounded in the methodologies of just one discipline or located at the intersection of many.
We provide funding not only to established academics but also to early-career scholars and healthcare professionals, and we encourage applications from researchers in academic institutions or any other appropriate research organisation. Support is also available for libraries and archives with important health-related collections.
More Info:
The NSF provides two kinds of grants for graduate students working in the history of science and technology (but not clinical medicine):
The Graduate Research Fellowships Program provides general support for graduate study, aimed at incoming students or students currently in their first year of graduate study. Deadline: early to mid November.
More info:
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants support up to $12,500 for travel for dissertation research (including living expenses while you are traveling). Graduate students must apply for these grants through their Ph.D. advisor, who serves as the principal investigator on the grant. History of Science grads have had good success with these grants. Deadlines: February 2 and August 3; notification takes about 6 months. Sometimes the NSF asks applicants to re-submit their proposal for the following deadline.
More info:
Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers:
Grants for Experienced Researchers:
For Canadian Researchers:
Freie Universität Berlin, Global Faculty Program
Research Stays:
Fellowships at the Huntington Library
Pasadena, CA
The Huntington is an independent research center with holdings in British and American history, literature, art history, and the history of science and medicine. The Library collections range chronologically from the eleventh century to the present and include seven million manuscripts, 420,000 rare books, 275,000 reference works, and 1.3 million photographs, prints, and ephemera. The Burndy Library consists of some 67,000 rare books and reference volumes in the history of science and technology, as well as an important collection of scientific instruments. Within the general fields listed above there are many areas of special strength, including: Middle Ages, Renaissance, 19th- and 20th-century literature, British drama, Colonial America, American Civil War, Western America, and California. The Art Collections contain notable British and American paintings, fine prints, photographs, and an art reference library. In the library of the Botanical Gardens is a broad collection of reference works in botany, horticulture, and gardening.
General info:
History of Medicine Travel Grants Collections, Duke University
Durham, NC
The History of Medicine Collections offers research grants of up to $1,500 to researchers whose work would benefit from access to the historical medical collections at the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Any faculty member, graduate or undergraduate student, or independent scholar with a research project requiring the use of materials held by the History of Medicine Collections is eligible to apply. Writers, creative and performing artists, filmmakers and journalists are welcome to apply. All applicants must reside outside of a 100-mile radius of Durham, NC.
More info:
Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine
Harvard University
The Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine Research Fellowship
Since 2008, the Archives for Women in Medicine in the Center for the History of Medicine has partnered with the Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation to offer an annual fellowship to support scholarship on the role of women in medicine and the biomedical sciences.
More info:
M. Louise Carpenter Gloeckner Summer Research Fellowship
Drexel University
The M. Louise Carpenter Gloeckner, M.D. Summer Research Fellowship is offered annually by the Drexel University College of Medicine Legacy Center, Archives and Special Collections on Women in Medicine. A $4,000 stipend is awarded to one applicant for research completed in residence at the Legacy Center. The term of the fellowship is no less than four to six weeks to begin on or after June 1. The deadline for current applications is March 7, 2016. A short essay summarizing research findings is required upon completion of the fellowship.
In addition to materials related to the history of the Woman’s Medical College/Medical College of Pennsylvania, the collections have particular strengths in the history of women in medicine, nursing, medical missionaries, the American Medical Women’s Association, American Women’s Hospital Service, and other women in medicine organizations. The majority of the collections fall within the period 1850 to the present.
More info:
The Telluride Association Summer Program
(looking for joint proposals for team-taught causes at a summer program for high school students run at Cornell and Michigan – seems ideal if there are ReMeDHe faculty members who want to try teaching together)
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Regranting Programs